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About Us

Shawn O'Neal & Scott Adams
in A Tuna Christmas
Serving Amador County for over 25 years

The setting for the amphitheatre is truly spectacular. Located on the Kennedy Mine property, patrons walk past an old tailing wheel (used when the mine was in operation), across an old bridge, into a grass-covered, terraced bowl, surrounded by majestic oaks. There the stage is set for picnicking and enjoying professional quality productions. You are truly sitting on a gold mine, enjoying theatre under the stars. 

About MSTW

Main Street Theatre Works is a professional,

non-AEA theatre company performing in

Amador County, California.

Now in our twenty-seventh year, we are dedicated to bringing professional and community theatre artists together to produce classical and contemporary plays, striving for a balance that stimulates both artists and audiences. An ensemble of gifted actors, directors, and designers lend their vision and skills to create rich seasons and 

wonderful theatrical experiences.

Mission Statement
Main Street Theatre Works is dedicated to bringing professional and community theatre artists together to produce classical and contemporary plays, striving for a balance that stimulates both artists and audiences, contributing to the community’s cultural, educational and economic growth.
Our Awesome Team

Artistic Director: Susan McCandless

Associate Artistic Director: Julie Anchor
Amphitheatre Manager: Ken Stefferud
Marketing Director: Julie Anchor

Volunteer Coordinator: Joanne Shugart 
Box Office Manager: Mary Spitzer

Webmaster: Julie Anchor

Program Designer: Kevin Barnett

Newsletter Editor: Chris Dufour

Board  of  Directors

President: Teresa Guidi / Vice President: Julie Anchor
Treasurer: Allen Pontes / Secretary: Mary Spitzer  

Directors: Giles Turner, Joanne Shugart,
Ken Stefferud, Yolanda Bennett

U.S. Mailing Address:

Main Street Theatre Works

P. O. Box 96

Sutter Creek, CA 95685 



Kennedy Mine Amphitheatre

Street Address: (not a mailing address)

1127 N. Main Street Jackson,  CA , 95642 


Facebook: Main Street Theatre Works

Twitter: @MSTW1



 "Heartwarming and wonderful" 
- Hometown Radio (KVGC) and TSPN on Same Time Next Year .

“…a virtuoso performance

~  Amador Ledger-Dispatch on  Shirley Valentine

“Among the finest companies in the Sacramento region.”
~ The Village Life

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